ArtedelContatto – english version

ArtedelContatto was founded in 2010 by a group of artists and cultural operators around the construction of a teaching methodology for artistic languages, with particular attention to cinema and the audiovisual sector. The mission of Artedelcontatto is to spread film culture and a critical awareness of artistic languages ​​in schools. Since its foundation, ArtedelContatto has designed and implemented in the public schools educational workshops organized by film directors and cinema experts coming from the university and film schools. Artedelcontatto is emerging as a service provider for the teaching and dissemination of cinema and audiovisual services for the active subjects in production and distribution, with particular attention to sustainable and social practices.

From 2014 Artedelcontatto produces Screening Literacy Italia, an information and in-depth blog on the topics of film and audiovisual literacy and audience development. Since 2016 ArtedelContatto has developed a partnership with the University of Rome “La Sapienza” to hold educational workshops for university students. The methodology of ArtedelContatto is based on three fundamental assets: interdisciplinary connections among topics and languages, the involvement of the students and the collective dimension of work. Interdisciplinary cxonnections make each discipline a “living” matter open to contamination; involvement and collectiveness mean a didactics based on the centrality of the student in the creative and learning processes. A methodology that aims to create a fervid work environment of stimuli, in which there is a thrust towards group work and the breaking down of social and cultural barriers.