Two days of meetings in Rome for the “Mediascapes” project

During the first two days of July, we were happy, as project leader, to invite in the beautiful spaces of AMKA Onlus in the San Lorenzo neighbourhood, in the heart of Rome, the partners from Portugal for the presence meeting of the European project Mediascapes.
These two days, together with the team of teachers from the IC Emma Castelnuovo of Rome and the Escola Secundaria of Viriato and all the project partners, were precious to talk together about the results achieved in these months of activity and those still to be achieved in the continuation of the project, but they were also a unique opportunity to see the transmedia products realised by the students projected.
Among teachers, trainers and all those present, the exchange of knowledge and practical skills on Transmedia Storytelling acquired activity after activity could not be missed.

And like any well-organised in-presence project meeting, we organised tours for our Portuguese fellow travellers around Rome and the Ponte di Nona district, thanks to the collaboration of Coop. SS Pietro e Paolo, to discover the culture of our places.

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